They say it’s good to learn something new everyday – so, today we’ve got some quick fun facts that you may not have known about Marquee to help you learn a bit more about us!
- Sheryl used to be a hairdresser…and still is! That’s right! Sheryl first started by attending Bruno’s School of Hairdressing in Toronto from 1982-1983. She worked cutting hair for over 19 years – then she finally made the switch to start up her own company that has grown into what Marquee is today.
- Marquee was initially a fundraiser for Sheryl’s church, Trinity Anglican Church in Aurora. They did Godspell, had a blast and raised some good money for the church’s New Building fund and then did Jesus Christ Superstar. Same thing! So the next show was Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat….with the interest at auditions it was apparent that there was something there to continue the word. That’s how Marquee’s name was born.
- Marquee actually started in December 2000. It wasn’t yet with not-for-profit status at that time. That happened in 2003, so that’s why we count the years from that date, even though Marquee is actually 3 years older than most people think.
- Today’s Parent voted Marquee top 22 of the best Children’s Theatre companies in Canada. And in Ontario – Marquee was voted top 4!
- Marquee’s logo has had quite the facelift from its original version:

- The average cost for the script rights to an adult show can range from $13,000-$15,000. And to put on the show, it costs about $40,000-$50,000!
- All of the shows that Marquee puts on are run 100% volunteers. Including cast, it takes about 60-75 volunteers to produce a single show.
- Sheryl had a cameo on Ellen in 2013! She got to be one of two people who danced on her stage before the show began. Little did she know she would end up being part of her monologue! watch the video below to check it out (she’s in at 2:35)!
- Marquee has had countless students become professional actors like Landon Doak who appeared in Shazam! and Murdoch Mysteries, Qasim Khan who’s a lead actor in Stratford, Julianne Bisnaire at Second City and more! Check all their stories out on the feature section of the blog!
Let us know in the comments below if any of these fun facts surprised you!