Every Decision is Made for a Collective Reason | Trevor Coll

Elissa Chan
July 20, 2022


is 100% number one. When we did Sound of Music — I remember the day Sheryl showed the contract and said “If you do not think you’ll be able to commit to this – do not commit to this. Take this home, bring it to the next rehearsal and only sign it if you can commit.” 

I remember really internalizing that and thinking “Ok, can I commit to this? You’re going to have to watch less Simpsons, you’re going to have to figure out time for your homework – do you want to give up those things…  Can my family sacrifice on a Sunday not necessarily going to visit our grandparents? How much commitment can you have?” 

So commitment, commitment commitment. That has been helpful in decision making and stays true to this day too. It’s one of those things where I wish in even a ‘professional’ realm where people are being paid to do it, that they had a “Sheryl talk” on day one or pre-day one because people do need to hear this. 

Which is a perfect segue to my second skill that I learned, which is


You learn the impacts of community – after everything is done. It’s great during the time but it’s more so when the show wraps, you will have shared this really epic life experience memory together. You could have spent those 10 hours per week of rehearsal watching tv or learning something else individually. But you’re sharing this community experience and you realize the value that is within that. 

There’s the potential experience that your community could ultimately have if you all agree to enter it with the same mindset and expectations for yourselves (individually) as we should have as a whole. I am aligned with that. I hear it in my head whenever I do anything now. Even if I’m just making plans. I cannot commit to anything unless I’m going to follow through with it because it’s not just myself, it’s not just my schedule.

The last one is


Acting so individualistic sometimes — or people may associate performing with narcissism and other negative tropes with acting, being a performer and being an artist with all of that stuff. It is a group activity, a team activity if you recognize that your goals should be aligned with the rest of the people on your team. 

I’ve experienced that both ways where I know maybe I’m giving 600% in a number and I’m over the top and I need to reel it in or that I’m wishing people around me who are at 50% and I need them to be at 75% so that this number can be more as a collective. When you are able to recognize the success one can have based on collaboration I think maybe – and hopefully – you’ll be a more impactful team member. It is ultimately what most people look for in casting. I’m sure the Marquee community has read this but for young people— to understand that every decision is made for a collective reason. I think the collaborative piece impacts the community and ultimately it’s representative of your commitment so the three C’s work with one another.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Thank you Trevor! We couldn’t agree more!

To read more about Trevor’s favorite Marquee memories, check out the first blog in this series: Behind the Scenes with Trevor Coll.



  1. Say Yes and Keep Levelling Up | Trevor Coll • Marquee Theatrical Productions - […] Read about those three C’s in the second blog of this series here. […]