Top Reasons Your Child Should Do Musical Theatre

Cassandra Morrison
September 22, 2021
Top reasons your child should be involved in musical theatre music graphics stage red curtain

By Charlotte and her mom, Natasha

We have been enthusiastic fans and members of Marquee Theatrical Productions since Charlotte took part in her first musical production five years ago at the age of 6. Here, we share our perspectives on the top reasons your kid should be involved in musical theatre too.

charlotte on stage puppet Aladdin

Charlotte: Friendships

Over the years, I have gained many friendships through musical theatre, including some of my closest friends! Us theatre kids are always there for each other! Having the same interest as your friend is really fun! It’s great having something that brings both you and your friend joy!

musical theatre cast on stage rock of ages

Natasha: Amazing Friends and Mentors

Theatre people are fun-loving and welcoming. Charlotte has met so many great friends. And she’s had opportunities to learn from enthusiastic mentors who know how to build an inclusive environment where everyone has a chance to have fun and be themselves. An added bonus for me have been the friendships I’ve made with other theatre parents. I haven’t witnessed the kind of competition you might see in other kids’ activities. Theatre is a place where people truly support each other.

charlotte olaf on stage

Charlotte: Skills

When I first started musical theatre, I wasn’t as skilled at singing, dancing and acting, but now I have grown from musical theatre and learned all kinds of things I wouldn’t know if I had never been in a musical! For example, if I never took musical theatre, I wouldn’t have as good memorization skills or acting techniques.

Natasha: Skills

Where to begin with this one? Musical theatre teaches so many life skills in addition to acting, singing, and dancing. Being part of a musical will build your child’s literacy skills, their teamwork and collaborative skills, their presentation skills, their ability to improvise, and their resiliency. After they’ve been at it for a while, they’ll also develop leadership skills as they help less experienced participants learn how to put on a show. I can’t think of any other activities that offer kids the opportunity to build so many different and important life skills.

charlotte holding puppet backstage Aladdin

Charlotte: Experience

Musical theatre has given me lots of experience with many different things. For example, I hosted a little web-based talent show with my diva puppet Annie and I wouldn’t have had as much experience with a puppet if it hadn’t been for the time I played Iago in Aladdin at Marquee and had to act with a puppet!

Charlotte on green screen at home in costume

Natasha: Experience/Confidence

Musical theatre has given Charlotte the opportunity to try so many different experiences and roles. Each new experience has built her confidence to take on new challenges inside and outside theatre. For example, I am 100% sure there is a direct connection between her enthusiasm for presenting school projects and her experience on stage with Marquee. Every experience in theatre, whether it’s saying their very first lines, or belting out their first solo song, is something to be celebrated and will give your child confidence to try the next big challenge.

Charlotte: Career

Since Musical Theatre has given me so much experience, it can now help me with my career! My passion is acting, singing and dancing, so having experience from all of those through Musical Theatre has really helped me! Now, I have an agent and have been involved in a short film! I also audition for many things all the time and musical theatre takes up a lot of my resume and has given me lots of acting experience to pursue my career!

charlotte in costume blond wig with props behind her skull anchor treasure chest

Natasha: Career

I am thrilled that Charlotte has found her passion at such a young age and is dedicated to building a career in the arts. But your child doesn’t need to have their sights set on a career in the performing arts to benefit from musical theatre. I know many parents worry about how their child will succeed in a hyper-competitive working world where so many jobs are becoming automated or obsolete. Perhaps you’re wondering whether your child has time for musical theatre when they may benefit from more math tutoring. This brings me back to skills. Guess what jobs won’t be automated in the near future? Those that require the soft skills I mentioned above–collaboration, communication, teamwork, improvisation.

Charlotte in costume backstage green tie grey jacket and skirt

Natasha: One More

If you’re still not sure if your child should take part in musical theatre, let me give you one more reason. It’s something we all need more of these days: JOY. Your child will feel it when they put on their costume and contribute to a magical show, and you’ll feel it when they take their bows with a giant smile on their face.

See you at the theatre!

Charlotte and Natasha

cast on stage chitty chitty bang bang