CORE DIVISION Musical Theatre
The musical theatre programs offered within our CORE division welcome students of any and all levels of skill and experience (no audition necessary). We offer classes for ages 4 and up.
Our classes are the perfect introduction to the exciting world of singing, acting & dancing. Students work in a group setting alongside trained educators to build their confidence, performance skills, and theatre etiquette. At the end of each term students have the opportunity to showcase their skills in a culminating performance for family, friends, and the community in a professional theatre.
AGES 4-6 (no experience necessary)
Term 1: October 8, 2024 – January 11, 2025
Term 2: February 11, 2025 – May 10, 2025
Class options (1 class per week):
A: Tuesdays 4:30pm – 5:30pm
B: Thursdays 4:30pm -5:30pm
C: Saturdays 9:00am – 10:00am
Tuition: $350/term
Receive a $50 discount on term 2 by registering for both term 1 and 2 before Sept. 1
Discount applied to your account internally so pls only pay deposit for term 2.
About the Class
Kinderstages is an age specific 1-hour class that inspires creativity within a positive environment. Kinder students will learn the basic steps and terminology within the world of singing, acting, and dancing. The class is split between rehearsals for the culminating 15-20-minute performance for family & friends, and fun music, games and activities to engage these young minds and bodies. Through narration and on-stage instructional leaders, your little stars will be guided on stage through the telling of the story.
Before registering for a Marquee program, please have a look through our student handbook. The purpose of this handbook is to provide parents and students with a detailed list and outline of school policies, expectations, guidelines, and tuition/payment details.

AGES 6-9 (No experience necessary)
Registration eligibility is determined by age at start date of the program
Term 1: September 9, 2024 – January 11, 2025
Term 2: January 27, 2025 – May 10, 2025 (end date depends on chosen class)
Class options (2 classes per week):
A: Monday & Thursday 4:30pm – 6pm
B: Mondays & Thursdays 6:30pm – 8pm
C: Wednesdays 4:30pm – 6pm & Saturdays 9:00am – 10:30am
D: Wednesdays 6:30pm – 8pm & Saturdays 11:00am – 12:30pm
Tuition: $650/term
Receive a $100 discount on term 2 by registering for both term 1 and 2 before Sept. 1
Discount applied to your account internally so pls only pay deposit for term 2.
About the Class
This class includes instruction in singing, dancing and acting as well as character and role development for a complete musical theatre experience. Students will learn basic theatre “lingo” with an introduction to theatre ettiquette and professionalism. The class is split between rehearsals for the culminating 30-minute musical production and drama/improv games that are designed to build confidence, and begin to develop the skills needed for musical theatre.
Before registering for a Marquee program, please have a look through our student handbook. The purpose of this handbook is to provide parents and students with a detailed list and outline of school policies, expectations, guidelines, and tuition/payment details.

AGES 10-13 (No experience necessary)
Registration eligibility is determined by age at start date of the program
Term 1: September 9, 2024 – January 18, 2025
Term 2: January 27 2025 – May 11, 2025 (end date depends on chosen class)
Class options (2 classes per week):
A: Monday & Thursday 4:30pm – 6pm
B: Mondays & Thursdays 6:30pm – 8pm
C: Wednesdays 4:30pm – 6pm & Saturdays 9:00am – 10:30am
D: Wednesdays 6:30pm – 8pm & Saturdays 11:00am – 12:30pm
Receive a $100 discount on term 2 by registering for both term 1 and 2 before Sept. 1
Discount applied to your account internally so pls only pay deposit for term 2.
About the Class
Students will learn to advance their techniques in singing, acting, and dancing! This is the perfect program for the young performer who is ready for a challenge. Students are required to take extra time at home to review and memorize their lines, blocking, music, and choreography. Teachers will use strategic games and activities in class to enhance students’ ability to create bold characters, express themselves, and perform in a culminating 60-minute musical.
Before registering for a Marquee program, please have a look through our student handbook. The purpose of this handbook is to provide parents and students with a detailed list and outline of school policies, expectations, guidelines, and tuition/payment details.

AGES 13-18 (No experience necessary-must be under age 19)
Registration eligibility is determined by age at start date of the program
Full Year Program: September 17, 2024 – May 23, 2025
Class Schedule: Tuesdays 7pm – 9:30pm
Tuition: $650
About the Class
This class is designed for the older Music Theatre performer. Students will sing, act and dance in this fast paced environment. A commitment to reviewing at home, and attending all scheduled classes and shows is mandatory. Students will understand the foundations of theatre etiquette, professionalism, dedication, and teamwork while working towards a culminating musical.
Before registering for a Marquee program, please have a look through our student handbook. The purpose of this handbook is to provide parents and students with a detailed list and outline of school policies, expectations, guidelines, and tuition/payment details.

Marquee Theatrical Productions is a charitable organization
Charitable # 876749300 RR0001