Marquee has offered 2 scholarships every year to award great work or to help support hard-working students. This year, we are proud to announce the addition of a third scholarship to provide a child in need the opportunity to continue being involved in the performing arts in the name of Newmarket Theatre’s recently retired Project Coordinator and friend of Marquee, Rick Koury.
Rick Koury worked as the President of the Newmarket Theatre Center for 9 years while also being on the committee for the Newmarket Theatre, where he later went on to work as a Project Coordinator for the next 24 years. Over the years, he worked hard to build the local performing arts community to what it is today, and he has been an extraordinary contributor to Marquee’s success.
Rick never intended on becoming involved in the performing arts, he actually got his start in radio and television. But through school, he found his interest in acting and performing. He fell in love with the spontaneity of live theatre, and the way it connects audiences with actors, and magically brings you into the here and now.
“I didn’t regret a day I was there….Theatre gave you the opportunity to be with people”.
–Rick Koury
He worked hard to bring in big name artists to help lift the local performing arts scene, and was always focused on the betterment of the arts in the York Region and doing whatever he could to accomplish that mission. He never failed to support Marquee in helping to bring their best performance to the stage with every show. He always helped promote Marquee’s projects, always found ways of collaborating and accommodating Marquee, and truly wanted every show to be the best it could be. He went above and beyond with everything he did in his career to be a most valuable asset to the performing arts community. From the moment Marquee was fortunate enough to collaborate with him, not a show went by where they weren’t met with Rick’s positivity and support, and that is why Marquee wanted to dedicate this award in his honor.
“I am surprised and very much honoured that Marquee is bringing forward this award…it was unexpected.”
–Rick Koury
Rick is now retired from working at the theatre. But he plans on remaining involved in the performing arts community, and just recently finished working on a virtual show with the Newmarket Stage Company. He’s looking forward to people being able to come together again and get back to the theatre once COVID restrictions are loosened. He says that theatre “is long missed.”
And Rick will be too at the Newmarket Theatre. But Marquee hopes this award will be a way of continuing to give back to the local performing arts community as Rick did for so many years.
Rick Koury was, and still is, the ideal team player and crutch for the theatre community that Marquee aspires to be.
“We wanted to honour him by establishing this scholarship that is going to go to an individual once per year to allow them to spread their wings, learn, and soar, whether it be in their self confidence, or in another area. The life skills that our students learn through the magic of musical theatre may not bring them to a career that ends up on the stage…however whatever they journey towards, it’s through the arts that this scholarship is going to allow them an opportunity to grow, in Rick’s honor.”
–Sheryl Thomas – Executive Director, Marquee Theatrical Productions

Rick has and continues to embody the true meaning of “community” in community theatre. And Marquee wants to thank you, Rick, for truly making the local performing arts community as successful and supportive as it has been for the past 20 years, and for helping build a strong foundation for it’s thriving future.
If you would like to be considered for this award (or would like to nominate someone), head over to Marquee’s website and fill out the application form.
The deadline to submit your application is June 11th, 2021.