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9 Fun Facts you May not have Known about Marquee

9 Fun Facts you May not have Known about Marquee

They say it’s good to learn something new everyday - so, today we've got some quick fun facts that you may not have known about Marquee to help you learn a bit more about us! Sheryl used to be a hairdresser...and still is! That's right! Sheryl first started by...

Tips for Calming Audition Nerves

Tips for Calming Audition Nerves

Nerves before an audition are totally normal. Everyone has felt this way at some point, and it comes when we put ourselves in vulnerable positions. Especially if it's a role that means a lot to you, you might be extra nervous before an audition. But don't worry - we...

Favourite Improv Games

Favourite Improv Games

Improv games are a fantastic way to let loose, learn to work as a team, deal with anxiety, and make friends – among so many other benefits! Here are some of our favourite improv games to play. Park Bench One participant sits waiting on a “bench”. Before entering, the...

How Nature Affects Creativity

How Nature Affects Creativity

It seems that nature affects creativity in significant ways for a lot of people. Often, the norm of being expected to stay inside all day on the computer can lead to a lack of inspiration. After all, creativity demands a lot from us mortals. It's almost a magical...

7 Ways to stay Creative and Inspired at Home

7 Ways to stay Creative and Inspired at Home

Some of the most iconic show and movie moments have happened because something went unexpectedly. Because the artists were equipped with an extremely powerful, and crucial skill: improv. In the arts, those unforeseen circumstances we are faced with are usually how the...

How’d They Do That? Special Effects and Costume Changes!

How’d They Do That? Special Effects and Costume Changes!

Musical theatre is full of magic, from the whimsical music to the gorgeous costumes and sets! Every show whisks us away to another world and makes us feel like we’re in a dreamlike wonder. Here are some special effects and mind-blowing costume changes from musicals...

Preparing for Your Best Musical Theatre Audition

Preparing for Your Best Musical Theatre Audition

Preparing for an audition can be overwhelming to say the least. Sometimes you hardly get any notice and other times you’re just feeling particularly nervous and auditioning seems super stressful. Here are a few simple ways that you can prepare and get in the right...

What happens when we sing?

What happens when we sing?

If you've ever been to Marquee, you know we like to sing! And that's because when we sing, it's not only a mood booster, but also a great exercise for the brain. Many species sing, but we seem to be the only ones who are actually able to willingly learn new songs, and...

6 Tips for Building Confidence

6 Tips for Building Confidence

Sometimes it's hard to find the confidence to stand up in front of a group of people and put yourself out there. To go for the big audition. Pour your heart out into a song. Try a new dance move. We might be afraid people will judge us. That we will be rejected. Fail....

The Benefits of Improv

The Benefits of Improv

Some of the most iconic show and movie moments have happened because something went unexpectedly. Because the artists were equipped with an extremely powerful, and crucial skill: improv. In the arts, those unforeseen circumstances we are faced with are usually how the...


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